Monthly Community Service Projects
Day in and day out we receive specific types of calls. These calls differ due to our individual paths in life. Yet, there is one call that may be more universal for all Catholics, and that is the call to serve God. As St. Peter said, “Serve one another with the gifts you have received.”
In an effort to involve our students in God’s call to serve, and to teach the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, St. Linus school children participate in monthly school-wide service projects such as, food and toy drives, recycling, and giving care packages to people in need. In sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, students are required to complete a Christian Service Project by performing service to others within the parish and/or civic community. Through this program, we hope to instill God’s call to serve in our students, and motivate and inspire parents, staff, and the entire community to serve one another as Jesus did. |